
Notez 4 All Logo


Notez 4 All, aka N4A, is a notes sharing platform for my school. At my school, in your sophomore year, you have to do a "personal project". This project is supposed to represent your interests, personal development, and your dedication to the program. It also helps prepare you for the later trials and tribulations of the program. So, as a nerd, and someone who'd very much like to see my school be a little more cohesive, I came up with the idea for N4A.

There was one problem. Actually... a lot of them.

I, a mildly-good-at-wordpress-aspiring-web3-developer-hater-of-all-things-server-sided, had a lot of problems. In fact, I had so many that I wrote this article. Just for fun, or to help someone out...(?)

Anyway, what I soon realized was that making a social media platform required a lot of knowledge, time, and money. My first ventures were into getting around having to code it myself. I looked into software I could host myself on my desktop-turned-server, Primus,

What is Mastodon?

Notez 4 All is a mastodon instance. It is a federated twitter-like platform for self-hosted use cases for communities which want not only their own bubble in a social media platform, but their own whole social media platform.


Well, as of 8/21/22, I am having issues with it. I have been using the 1-click droplet on digitalocean. However, it isn't working because it is using version 3.1.3, and the current version is 3.5.3. Meaning it is using 2 year old software.

DigitalOcean is a web2 hosting service. It is a great place to host websites, software, development applications, and more. However, it is not a web3 provider or host of any sort. In addition, if you have the Github Education Pack, you will get a $100 credit as part of the pack.

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